16 research outputs found


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    Vile na Goriškem in Vipavskem od 16. do 18. stoletja

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    Vipavska dolina in Goriška (delno v Italiji, delno v Sloveniji) sta bogati z različnimi tipi arhitekture. Tu so se ohranili številni srednjeveški in renesančni gradovi, baročne palače in predvsem vile in dvorci. Monografija analizira posamezne primere poznorenesančnih in baročnih vil (okoli 1600–okoli 1800) teh dveh pokrajin, ki sta bili nekoč združeni v eno politično enoto – Goriško grofijo. Poleg tipološke definicije vile je predstavljen razvoj vile od antike do 19. stoletja, različni, glede na funkcijo ločeni, tipi vil in zgradba vile s formalnega vidika. Vile, obravnavane v tej monografiji, so na podlagi njihove funkcije razdeljene v dve večji skupini: podeželske in primestne vile, vsi primeri pa kažejo, da je bilo na Slovenskem v 17. in 18. stoletju zgrajenih kar nekaj vil, vendar pa so geografsko omejene na pokrajine, ki mejijo na Furlanijo-Julijsko Krajino, ta pa je bila nekoč teritorij Beneške republike

    Women Designers, Architects and Engineers between 1946 and 1968. MoMoWo 2nd International Conference-Workshop. Programme and Abstracts

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    Il volume raccoglie gli abstract del MoMoWo 2nt INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE –WORKSHOP. Women Designers, Architects and Engineers between 1946 and 1963 che rappresenta una delle principali attività di ricerca e disseminazione del progetto Europeo MoMoW

    Policentričnost sakralne arhitekture u Istri

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    Prikaz knjige: Vladimir Marković, Crkve 17. i 18. stoljeća u Istri - tipologija i stil, Zagreb, 2004

    Women Designers, Craftswomen, Architects and Engineers between 1918 and 1945. MoMoWo 1st International Conference-Workshop. Programme and Abstracts

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    Il volume contiene il programma e gli abstract dei contributi presentati in occasione della prima conferenza-workshop del progetto europeo "MoMoWo - Women's creativity since the Modern Movement" co-finanziato dal programma Creative Europe e capofilato dal Politecnico di Torino. L'attività si è svolta dal 23 al 25 Settembre 2015 presso Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society

    Proceedings of the 2nd MoMoWo International Conference-Workshop.Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, France Stele Institute of Art History, 3–5 October 2016, Ljubljana

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    Il volume raccoglie 27 saggi esiti dal secondo convegno-workshop internazionale "Women Designers, Architects, Engineers between 1946 and 1968" organizzato dal progetto europeo “MoMoWo - Women's creativity since the Modern Movement” co-finanziato dal programma Europa Creativa dell’Unione Eurropea e capofilato dal Politecnico di Torino

    MoMoWo 3rd international conference-workshop. Women designers, architects and engineers between 1969 and 1989. Programme and abstract

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    Il volume raccoglie gli abstract del MoMoWo 3nt INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE -WORKSHOP. Women Designers, Architects and Engineers between 1969 and 1989 che rappresenta una delle principali attività di ricerca e disseminazione del progetto Europeo MoMoW

    MoMoWo: Women Designers, Craftswomen, Architects and Engineers between 1918 and 1945

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    The book consists of six chapters, which present achievements by European women – pioneers in the fields of architecture, civil engineering, interior and industrial design and arts and crafts, who were active in the period between 1918 and 1945. The chapter Crossing Geographies deals with the importance of migrants and migrations for the global expansion of modernism and for development of avant-garde artistic currents; Pioneers and Organisations presents cases of selected women pioneers and their involvement with peer organisations; The Home contributes studies of women creators’ position in the inter-war period and the different ways in which they attempted to overcome societal barriers through interior design; Representation deals with representation of women creators' achievements in publications; Cases from Ireland to Finland brings case studies of women designers active in typically male professions; Examining Drawings as Practices of Architectural Design contributes insight into women architects' projects through new methodological approaches. The book is based on papers, presented at the first international MoMoWo conference in September 2015 at Leiden University. It aims to present an important part of the 'anonymous' and overlooked European cultural heritage

    MoMoWo. Women. Architecture & Design Itineraries across Europe

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    This book is one of the main products of research carried out by the international project “MoMoWo - Women’s creativity since the Modern Movement” lead by the Polytechnic of Turin and co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. It offers a journey leading to the discovery of women’s creativity in the fields of architecture and design that reveals women’s contribution to the creation of European tangible cultural heritage and legacy of the last two centuries. It is the result of the MoMoWo’s cultural-tourist itineraries creation as well as being the first architectural and design guidebook devoted specifically to women’s works in Europe. The eighteen itineraries presented here focus on four cities - Barcelona, Lisbon, Paris and Turin - as well as on two countries - the Netherlands and Slovenia. They showcase different types of urban and non-urban works, sites and buildings, created by women in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The one hundred and twenty-five works published are the result of a selection undertaken to offer a wide variety of building types such as residential and industrial buildings and complexes, educational, religious, commercial and transport buildings, power stations, medical and care centres, cinemas, theatres, museums, offices and banks, sports halls and stadiums, playgrounds and gardens. This selection includes ex-novo buildings or reuse of pre-existing buildings, refurbishments and restoration works, extensions of buildings, urban design, garden design, landscape architecture as well as interior design. Geographical sections are completed by a biographical article about one or more women pioneers. The contents of this book are the results of academic research that was based on archives and bibliographic sources such as anthologies, almanacks, specialised magazines and technical journals. Investigations were also done in situ, in order to analyse building structures, techniques and materials